How To Choose A Fencing Style
It is important to spend time on choosing the right style of fencing for your home, as many different factors can influence the final choice. The below information may assist.
New styles and advancements in fencing material are always underway. If you would like individual advice tailored just for you, during the free on site quote your local Jim’s Fencing specialist will be happy to go over your answers and the various fencing styles with you to advise what your best options are.
1. Consider Your Priorities
- What are the main reasons you are getting a new fence installed? (Choose any)
- Home security (bad guys out)
- Keeping children & animals in
- Adding value to your home
- Uniqueness
- Street appeal
- Fitting an existing style or look
- Environmental factors – sun/wind
- Noise reduction
- Privacy
- Changing the home style
- Modernising your home
- New trends
- Meeting a budget
- Durability/long lasting
- Meeting estate/council guidelines
- Low maintenance
2. Look at photos of a range of styles and note what appeals to you
- Chain wire
- Colorbond
- Emu wire
- Modular system
- Hardifence
- Hebel modular
- Paling
- Picket
- Glass
- Post & wire
- Slat screen
- Tubular
You can see descriptions and images of the more common styles on our website, as well as a range of fencing images in our Gallery.
3. Find out the investment required & make a choice.
- You local Jim’s Fencer can provide you with a written quote on any style of fencing you are considering. When looking at cost remember that affordability is important, spending slightly more on a quality fence may save you lots of money in the future.
Category: Vinyl Fencing
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